Modelling clay in blister card

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Product Code : NA-ST-50-6(R)
6 Colours, 6 round sticks of clay (50 g.) in blister card Size : 7.25x12x1 cm.

11 March 2024

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Oil based modelling material that never shrinks, dries out, or hardens after being left out in the air.

It can be used over and over again. No mould or fungus can be formed. Due to no preservatives are added, making it totally safe for children.

Our clay is non-toxic, although we do not recommend eating, in the case of ingestion, body will digest clay without any harm. Its shelf life is approximately 3 years.

6 Colours,
6 round sticks of clay (50 g.)
in blister card
Size : 7.25x12x1 cm.

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