ceramic clay in printed foil bag

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Product Code : CRM-500/W
500 g. of White ceramic clay in printed foil bag size : 22.5x22x2.2 cm.

15 November 2023

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It is a heavy - weight modelling material that comes from the earth. Often used in the making of ceramic pieces, the finished product needs to be fired in a kiln at 1,000-1,200*C. Ceramic Clay does dry if it is left out in the air.


To reactivate the clay, just add water to moisten the dry section and resume constructing your masterpiece. Ceramic Clay needs to be kept in airtight storage in order to remain soft and not dry out. Its shelf life is approximately 1.5 years.

500 g.
of White ceramic clay
in printed foil bag
size : 22.5x22x2.2 cm.

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